A Basic Christian Louboutin Authentication Guide
Many fake Christian Louboutin shoes are quite easy to spot! Here's a beginner's guide of some of the most common characteristics of counterfeit shoes. Don't end up with a fake! They're very uncomfortable, lower quality (won't last as long), and not nearly as gorgeous as the real thing!

I've collected a number of pictures from eBay to show what some fakes may look like. We'll go through different features of the shoe, so you can get an idea of how to authenticate Louboutin.
Red Sole
Many fakes do not copy the red sole very well at all. A true Christian Louboutin sole is made of leather painted a bright glossy vibrant shade of red. As a result, the look is very recognizable and unique. Many fakes have plastic or some other resin bottom. Take a look at the red soles below. They are all from counterfeit shoes.

Please note that when authenticating any item, it's not good practice to only look at one aspect of the item. I have seen fakes with somewhat convincing bottoms, especially when pictures are taken in less than ideal lighting. So, let's take a look at some of the other features.
Shape and Design
Notice how clunky and bulky these shoes look? Large toe boxes, high vamp, wide shoe bodies and less than elegant slopes for the heel are not common for Christian Louboutin's designs.

Bad Quality
The quality of the shoe is a dead giveaway. If the studs, glitter, sequins, etc are less than perfect, it's a very good chance that it's a fake! Take a look at how awful the bedazzle is on these counterfeits!

Please note the jagged cutting on this shoe:

Please note the asymmetry of the toe boxes

Authentic Christian Louboutin can come with 1 or 2 shoe bags, a small mini shoebag containing heel taps, and wrapping and shoe stuffing. All these are held in a hard cardboard beige Christian Louboutin box. It should not come with a card, and shoe tips are not in a little plastic baggy.
As you can see in this picture, there is a card behind the shoes. Also, you can see the plastic bag with heel taps.

Finally, it's great to familiarize oneself with the different styles of Christian Louboutin.
Right below is the Christian Louboutin Dorepi in leopard print. Notice the differences between the fake and the real? Real is on the right side. It's pretty drastic!

Authenticating Louboutin is much easier than authenticating most other brands like Prada, Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, etc.
We hope that these basic authenticating tips on Christian Louboutin will help you out!