Authentic and Fake Hermes Kelly Handbags Differences

Here is an authentic and fake Hermes Kelly bag side by side. Which one do you think is the fake? The one on the left or right?

Hermes Kelly handbag

Blind Stamp

Clasp Hardware on the Strap

Zipper Pull Details

Hermes Hardware Plate

Backside of the Hardware Plate

Hermes Main Ink Stamp

For a well-versed authenticator, the fake demonstrated in this example is considered a good fake but NOT a superfake. There are many errors throughout the replica in this post. Unfortunately, because counterfeiters frequent these posts, we cannot openly divulge the reasons. However, for someone who looks at Hermes bags often, this should still be helpful.

Now... finally, the answer. The authentic Kelly handbag is on the left, while the fake is on the right.

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