Here is a fake vintage Chanel bag and fake Chanel earrings that were sold at a high-end consignment store. Fakes don't only plague many online sites; they are also common in many consignment shops.

Check out this counterfeit vintage Chanel bag. It's definitely not the worst replica we've seen, but it's also nowhere near the best vintage fake we've seen. For an expert or vintage Chanel lover, there are errors throughout. We've captured these mistakes in our pictures.

Many sites and consignment shops that tout authenticity don't purposely sell fakes. They simply don't know any better and lack the necessary authentication knowledge specific to each brand.

This bag feels passable. The shoulder chain is heavy. The hardware parts are metal and not plastic. The red material does not feel obviously plastic. The stitching is neat and clean. These are all features that novice authenticators *cough* *cough* (shouldn't even be considered authenticators!) will examine.

A qualified authenticator will automatically notice numerous issues with the stamping and hardware parts. Because the parts are not sourced from the same place, and the manufacturing process is different from what an authentic bag goes through, the bag has many errors.

This bag is not a good or convincing fake; it just doesn't necessarily feel fake.

Here is another example of a fake Chanel item that was sold in a consignment store. Once again, the item is of a good weight. The material is metal, and the rhinestones are of decent quality. There is no obvious mold line.

However, these vintage Chanel earring wannabees are still considered to be very poor counterfeits in the eyes of someone experienced with Chanel costume jewelry. Any Chanel jewelry specialist will tell you that they are obviously fake. The jewelry techniques and parts are far from what a genuine pair of earrings would have.

In no way does this mean that there aren't consignment stores that do proper authentication of their items. However, the number of stores that don't properly authenticate is alarming. Be sure to always ask how they confirm the authenticity of their goods, particularly when they accept almost all designer brands and goods. A consignment store that only accepts handbags for instance will usually have less or no fakes compared to that of a store that accepts almost all designer items.

Hermes not only produces some of the most gorgeous scarves, but they also understand the versatility of a scarf. Not only can a scarf decorate the neckline in a hundred different ways, it can easily be made into a top, belt or even a bag! We've put together a bunch of Hermes knotting cards for your viewing pleasure. Some are outlandish, while others are wonderfully clever.

Hermes creates these wonderful decks of cards that have a plethora of suggestions for scarf wear. The how-to's incorporate scarves in varying sizes including the twilly, pochette, fulle carre and gm shawl.

Before we get into all the different ways to wear scarves, let's go over the Plie De Base fold. This folding pattern makes a large rectangular or square scarf into a long strip and is essential to many of the tutorials below.

While these tutorials are intended for Hermes scarves, they can be done with most other scarves as well. So, even if you don't have a Hermes scarf, we hope that you have fun with these. 🙂

It is silly how happy I get just by throwing on a Herve Leger. Because they are such a joy to wear, this year I will be wearing them as much as possible. A-line Herve Legers make the perfect pretty yet sexy weekend dress.

wearing: Herve Leger Fiona dress (shop a-line Herve Leger dresses here), vintage black Chanel double flap, Ann Taylor ankle strap heels (here), gold bangles (similar here and here)

What do you think of the length of this dress? I'm contemplating removing a couple bands. It's a nice length, but I'm used to wearing slightly shorter dresses and skirts.

Gotta love classic black lambskin Chanel. Just gorgeous. Can you believe that this bag has had several owners before me and is about the same age as I am?!? This is why Chanel is so ridiculously coveted.

If you love Herve Leger and love the feeling that you get when wearing them, you MUST get an a-line if you don't have one already. They are really easy to fit into your everyday wardrobe rotation, and they are easily some of the most flattering dresses too.

Chanel bags never go out of style. Vintage bags well over 30 years old are still in-trend and are very costly. And each year, these bags only appreciate in price. So, it's no wonder that NO ONE ever throws out their Chanel. Here is a Chanel serial sticker guide to help you date your bag.

Before Mid 1980's - no sticker

Chanel did not apply serial stickers at this time. It is a common mistake to assume that all Chanel bags must have a serial sticker to be authentic.

It's also important to mention that serial stickers can wear off or be removed. Fake Chanel bags oftentimes have serial stickers too.

Mid 1980's - 6 digit (1XXXXX - 42XXXX)

This time period had a very plain sticker. The number part may be more centered or left-oriented as shown above.

If the sticker is viewed at an angle, a CC logo may be perceptible, but usually not.

Late 1980's to 1990 - 7 digit (043XXXX - 15XXXXX)

Serial stickers changed to 7 digits but are still in sequential order. A 0 is added to the front for numbers lower than 1000000. Not only that, but the CC logo is more bold, and the sticker design is updated.

1990 to 1991 - 7 digit (16XXXXX - 19XXXXX)

CC pattern and font is changed.

1991 to 1993 - 7 digit (20XXXXX - 26XXXXX)

The appearance of the sticker drastically changes.

1993 to 1998 - 7 digit (27XXXXX - 56XXXXX)

There are several changes for this period. Most notably, the ink for these numbers is much heavier than that of previous stickers, and the sticker also has a slight texture.

1998 to 2021 - 7 digit to 8 digits (57XXXXX - 3XXXXXXX)

From 1998 to some of 2021, Chanel used the same serial sticker design. It is white with number and CC logos with a clear overlay sticker. On the left side, there is a dark vertical stripe. On the right side, there is Chanel text. There is a rectangular cut around the white part and an x cut across the white part. There will also be very fine gold glitter underneath the sticker. The amount of glitter really varies, and sometimes other colored glitter can be found, like blue.

Counterfeitors have become very good at faking these stickers, so many non-experts are getting duped with fake bags.

2021 onward- Microchip

In 2021, Chanel migrated to microchips instead of serial stickers (read more about it here). This is usually embedded in a metal block attached to the inside of the bag.

Serial numbers should not be repeated, so the same number should never be repeated for multiple bags. If you find 2 bags with the same serial number, chances are both bags will be fake.

The serial sticker is only one of many checkpoints for authenticating a Chanel bag. However, many fakes do this part wrong, so this alone can weed out many counterfeits. 

Absolutely adore Herve Leger dresses? If so, you must have at least one Herve Leger top if not more. Incredibly versatile and easily dressed down, it can be worn everyday... even to the grocery store!

How to Wear Herve Leger Casually

By Bebefuzz

Absolutely adore Herve Leger dresses? If so, you must have at least one Herve Leger top if not more. Incredibly versatile and easily dressed down, it can be worn everyday... even to the grocery store!

black herve leger bandage top with skinny jeans

wearing: Herve Leger black bandage top (shop tops on sale here), Frame denim skinny jeans (here), Tory Burch pumps (here), Quilted velvet leather Chanel bubble shoulder tote (Chanel bags here), 14k gold station Y necklace (similar here)

velvet leather Chanel bubble shoulder tote

Chanel calls this bag's leather, velvet leather. It is a beauty to behold and a pleasure to touch. 🙂

I love how long this top is. It can also be paired with a black skirt to look like a flirty drop-waist dress or shorts for a sexy summer outfit.

BCBG Max Azria should produce more Herve Leger tops. Though there are quite a few Herve Leger dresses that are very fun and casual, nothing is as casual as a top. Luxurious bandage clothing should not be subjugated to formal events! If they produced more everyday garments like tops, this would immediately result in higher sales and greater exposure. I know a bunch of ladies who would love this!

This gorgeous bubble quilted bag is also a very structural bag. Not only is it a fantastic size, it's also extremely functional with many large partitioned compartments.

Looking polished is so effortless with designer clothing. There is no complexity to this outfit, just a top, skinny jeans, shoes and a bag all in neutral colors

Many Chanel costume jewelry pieces will have markings. Understanding these markings is an important aspect for authentication and will also reveal when the item was made and its history. We hope that you enjoy this Chanel stamping guide. Currently, it is the most complete and accurate guide online.


Pieces from 1921-1939 were made to complement Chanel's clothing. As a result, these extremely rare pieces were left unmarked. In 1939, due to WWII, The House of Chanel stopped operations.

Funnily enough, another brand by the name of Chanel Novelty Company, produced brooches in 1941 that was stamped with a cursive Chanel. Coco Chanel sued them for obvious trademark infringement and won. Chanel Novelty Company was forced to rename to Reinad Novelty Company.

Jewelry made by Chanel Novelty Company in 1941 is quite valuable. The style of Chanel Novelty Company was distinctly different from Chanel's, and these accessories have their own unique beauty and craftsmanship. They also represent an important event in Chanel's history. Chanel has never marked their jewelry in cursive.

1954 - 1971

In 1954, Coco Chanel resumed business in her Parisian boutique at 31 Rue Cambon. Many pieces in this time period remained un-stamped, as Chanel jewelry was still being designed as part of an entire couture outfit. However, some jewelry started receiving very basic stamps.

1971 - 1980

After Coco Chanel's passing, jewelry stamping changed. Some jewelry was also stamped with a copyright, trademark, interlocking cc and made in France stamp.

You may also find pieces with ©Chanel from this time period.

1981 - 1985

In the early 80's, date of production is incorporated into the stamping, so many pieces have a year in the place of "made in France."

But not all early 1980's jewelry had the year. Some did not show the date of the jewelry but, the stamping is distinctly different from markings belonging to another timeframe.

1984 - 1992

From the mid 80's to the early 90's, Chanel dated the jewelry based on collection number. Collection numbers include 23-29.

1993 - 2020

From 1993 - 2020, the jewelry includes both the season and year. Season markings include A for Fall, P for Spring, C for Cruise collection, and V for continuous line. The numbers represent the 3rd and 4th digit of the year. For example, 95 stands for 1995, and 03 stands for 2003.

"Made in Italy" also first appears around the early 2000s and becomes more common in more recent collections. Laser etched marks are also introduced.

Stamping is just one aspect of proper authentication. Just because jewelry may have similar markings, does not necessarily confirm the authenticity of that item. Markings are counterfeited as well, so the entire piece needs to be observed. Also note that sometimes the markings are on a separate piece that is soldered onto the jewelry piece. As a result, there are authentic jewelry pieces with missing markings due to it falling off.

Please also note that there can be many variations of each stamping, and there are also a few uncommon stamps not discussed. There are even a few newer pieces that never came with any stamping. However, the above encompass most Chanel costume jewelry stamping.

I LOVE my luxury handbags. Investing in high-end bags is smart. They look better. They're higher quality, retain their value, and usually age better. Not to sound like a snob, but almost all low-end bags look... not so good.

So it may be a surprise to hear that I have always had one lower-end bag in my closet. This essential bag is perfect when it's rainy, snowy, or when I don't want people seeing me with a luxury bag (like when I'm making a large purchase that requires some haggling). Here is my current dispensable but essential handbag, the Frattapolesine from Aldo.

wearing: white silk slim signature Equipment top (here), Paige Hoxton Ankle jeans (here), Report Signature embellished ankle boots (here)- runs narrow. For those with medium or wide feet, size up 1/2 size, Jason Kole hooded red coat (here), Aldo Frattapolesine bag (here)

This bag is what I consider to be a fashion unicorn; it is shockingly nice for the price. Very rarely will you find an item this pretty and fashion-forward at this price point. The form is very structured and retains its shape even when empty.

I like how the material of the bag is not a faux leather. Faux leather is seldom done well, and usually ends up looking cheap. The material is a very sturdy and scratch-resistant canvas. It looks similar to Prada's Saffiano leather with the sturdiness of Louis Vuitton's Epi canvas.

Aldo did this bag in several different finishes and colors including faux leather, and smooth exterior. The one that I recommend is the hard synthetic cross-hatch finish. The black and oxblood colors come in this great material.

The bag dimensions and shape are nearly the same as the classic Louis Vuitton Alma bag, except with longer handles.

It is a really amazing bag for its price, but it is still very different from my designer bags. The inside lining is sloppy, stitch count is low, and the hardware is light. These shortcomings are easy to overlook given the cost and sturdiness of the bag. The lock keeps unclasping itself too. 😛

As with all fashion unicorns, this bag sold out very quickly. 🙁 Link is here.

But, there are 2 similar bags available. First is the Aldo Nerine bag (here). This bag looks to be of a similar material that my Frattapolesine bag is in. Second is the Aldo Valerafratta bag (here). The styling on this bag is very similar. Both bags are also about a couple inches bigger.

While searching for links, I noticed that Asos sold out some of Aldo's bags for higher than retail. While Aldo's Valerafratta bag sold for more than 50% above retail at Asos, the same bag is still available at the lower retail price at Aldo. Interesting. 😛

Don't you love being wrapped up in a cozy over-sized sweater when the weather's just a tiny bit chilly? Here's a simple sweater outfit finished off with a modern Chanel Luxe Ligne Bowler bag in metallic calfskin. 🙂

Wearing: Express sweater (here), Frame jeans (here), Vince Camuto booties (similar here), Chanel luxe ligne bowler handbag

I love how this bag is clearly Chanel without exhibiting all the classic features of Chanel. It's perfect for when you want to dress down but still stay polished.

With a smooth zipper at the top and a medium to large size, this bag can easily become an everyday favorite.

The shoulder strap is just the right drop length for wear on the wrist or on the shoulder.

The only complaint that I have of this bag is that the CC charm closes on the left side of the bag. Most people are right-handed and will wear their bag on their right shoulder. This means that the beautiful CC charm will be less visible when worn, and it is slightly less convenient for opening and closing when worn.

One way that they could have fixed this is by applying a stitched CC logo on both the front and back of the bag, so there would be no true front or back of the bag. The owner can then wear the bag however they please while still proudly displaying all the beautiful features.

Being the Herve Leger fanatic that I am, I never miss an opportunity to try on these gorgeous dresses. I'm always super excited about all of the new offerings of each season. Here are 5 more Herve Leger dress reviews!

All dresses in this post ran mostly true-to-size.

This classic black dress (here) has very flattering features. The shimmering sequined sweetheart neckline runs somewhat big compared to most other Herve Leger dresses. For medium to large busts, this is not a bad thing and may even be preferred.

I was curious about this red peplum dress (here) ever since I first laid eyes upon it in an ad. After trying it on, I think I prefer the more classic full body-con or a-line designs. However, the peplum completely disguises any belly pooch. 🙂

This is the first Herve Leger dress (here) that felt slightly itchy on. When compared to dresses in general, it is very beautiful. When compared among other Herve Leger dresses, it was just ok. HL with sequins is very pretty in person, particularly when the dress is in a light or pastel color.

I hated this dress (here). Very rarely does Herve Leger fit badly, but this one wasn't flattering for my body type. It makes a weird dip right at the hip, where the skirt meets the top. If you are short-waisted and/or have smaller hips, you'll likely have the same issue as I did.

This (here) would have made a gorgeous top instead of a knee-length dress! In general, I wish Herve Leger would produce more tops. I adore them. Just as Herve Leger makes the most flattering dresses, they also make the sexiest tops.

Of all of the Herve Leger collections while under BCBG's control, the collection(s) from 2008 and 2013 are my favorite. Though every season never fails in producing knock-out dresses, almost every single dress from 2008 and 2013 was a jaw-dropping, need-to-have wardrobe item.

Fall 2008, the only Herve Leger season of that year, had many dresses taking inspiration from some of Herve Leroux's (the original creator of Herve Leger) best couture dresses that were created in the 1980's and 1990's. 2013 dresses paid impeccable attention to fit and workmanship while still maintaining timeless style.

For proper authentication, it's important to not only know the details of genuine designer items, but to also be aware of what counterfeits look like. We've compiled 4 fake Louis Vuitton speedy bags for you to examine. Notice how some are much more obvious than others.

Obviously Fake Louis Vuitton Monogram Speedy Bag

Though this obviously fake Louis Vuitton bag exhibits patina on its fake vachetta leather, there are many errors in each picture! Though all counterfeits are not as well made as their authentic counterparts, poor obvious fakes have the worst quality imaginable. It is very likely that the hardware on this bag could even be plastic!

This is the type of fake that can be authenticated by someone without a deep understanding of Louis Vuitton. Most people who are familiar with general fashion will be able to tell that it is fake just by touch and feel alone!

Bad Louis Vuitton Monogram Speedy Bag

The bulk of fake Louis Vuitton you find on other resale sites will be of this class. It's not obvious that it's a fake to those unfamiliar with the designer. However, many authenticators and LV enthusiasts alike can tell that this bag is fake even from a couple meters away. When an authenticator examines the details, it becomes even more obvious that this is not an authentic bag.

Bad Louis Vuitton Damier Ebene Speedy Bag

Here's another common fake. This time the Speedy is in a damier ebene canvas. Again, mistakes in each picture, but these types of counterfeit bags cheat people out of LOTS of money every single day!

Super Fake Louis Vuitton Monogram Speedy Bag

Even though not many pictures were provided for this much more convincing fake, an expert in Louis Vuitton authentication will be able to tell that this is a fake. Notice how all the features on this bag look better than the previous examples?