Fake Vintage Chanel Bags
Because authenticity is what we obsess about at Lollipuff, here are some fun pictures of fake vintage Chanel bags.
Even with only a few pictures, there are lots of glaring problems with each of these counterfeit bags. Can you spot all the big problem areas?
Vintage Fake Double Flap Bag

The biggest signs with this bag being fake are the following: completely incorrect CC hardware for this bag, second flap is comically small, CC stitching is wrong, and stamping font is incorrect for this bag.
Fake Vintage Chanel Camera Bag with Tassel

Dead giveaways are the tassel details and stamping that are totally wrong.
Fake Vintage Caviar Flap Bag

For this worn out counterfeit bag, pay attention to the magnetic closure, chain link straps and the font used for "CHANEL."