Fake Certificates and Authenticity Emails
Counterfeit sellers can be an unscrupulous bunch. Many of them (we actually believe most) knowingly sell fakes for ridiculous amounts of money. This is straight up stealing.
And, unfortunately, some of them will resort to trickery to get away with it.
Authentication services can be valuable to many purchasing in the resale market, but there is a new issue that has become extremely rampant: FALSIFIED documents.
For a long time, we did not want to bring attention to this problem fearing that it would only cause more fake sellers to implement this strategy. However, the issue has become very widespread, and it is more beneficial to alert buyers than to keep fake sellers from knowing.
Swapping Photos to Acquire a Certificate

Counterfeit sellers have submitted authentic close-up photos mixed with a couple fake images to acquire a certificate. Unfortunately, many people do not double check if the images actually match up. Above is an example.
It is imperative to ensure that your item actually matches the images on the certificate.
Counterfeit sellers will also sometimes submit the authentic version to get an email certificate, and then turn around and sell the fake version citing our email authentication. Please double check with us if you see a claim on EBay or elsewhere.
Lollipuff authenticity certificates can be verified HERE. Do not depend on an image of a certificate when it can be verified.
We hope that this helps, and it is so unfortunate that people have to watch out for stuff like this!